Having a fishing cart can be a very efficient way to transport fishing gear to fishing spots. Primarily used by pier and surf fishermen, a fishing cart can be loaded with fishing rods, tackle, cast nets, coolers, bait, and personal items. Some carts can hold over 300 pounds of fishing gear. When fishing from the beach or shore there is still lots of gear needed for the fishing trip. Sometimes a fishing backpack is sufficient but when a cooler is needed a fishing cart is a way to go.
Without a boat, bank and surf fishermen are limited in what gear they can bring by how much they can carry. The fishing carts on the market today can multiply not only what you can bring, but the ease of bringing it. Most carts have between four and eight rod holders which makes for easy transport and they can be used while fishing. Many carts have specialized wheels, designed for the particular terrain you will be trekking through, like balloon tires that roll over the sand without digging into it and getting stuck.
There are several options available in today’s fishing carts, and knowing what they are will help in choosing the right one for you. Aluminum frames are the strongest with the best corrosion resistance and lighter weight but are usually the most expensive. Other materials like waterproof fabrics and steel frames might be all you need and are more cost-effective. Some carts are collapsible for easier storage and transport. Others have integrated tables for cutting bait and flat surfaces for sitting on. This list will show a detailed list of fishing carts on the market today.
Here Are the Best Fishing Carts
1. Offshore Angler Deluxe Beach Cart
Load Capacity | 200 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 42.5 x 17.5 x 8.5 inches |
Weight | 57 pounds |
The Offshore Angler Deluxe Beach Cart has some heavy-duty specifications and capacity so that you don’t have to stress too much about what you should leave behind or bring to the beach. This anodized aluminum framed cart carries up to 200 pounds on foam-filled tires, so you won’t have to worry about getting stuck in the sand.
There is space designed for your large cooler and bait bucket, plus six-rod holders which are also anodized aluminum. There is still room to spare, and the 16-inch wheels plus the cart’s comfortable grip handle allow you to easily navigate the beach without any awkwardness or tip over.
When fishing near saltwater corrosion can be a problem, so anything made of aluminum will be your best friend. Lightweight and strong, this cart will also never break down from corrosion. If you want to be able to enjoy a full day of fishing, the Offshore Angler Cart is a great bring all the needed fishing supplies.
2. Fish-N-Mate Large Fishing Cart
Load Capacity | 150 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 42 x 17 x 8 inches |
Weight | 34 pounds |
The Angler’s Fish-N-Mate Cart is a well-balanced beach purpose wagon with some great features. The frame is aluminum as you would expect from this price range, and the skeletal design gets its weight down to an easily pullable 34 pounds. The 16-inch tires will have no trouble sailing across the sand, and they are easily removable if you ever need to order replacements from the manufacturer.
The Fish-N-Mate sports a removable handle, which will come in handy when transporting or put into storage. This cart has eight rod holders with vinyl coverings, can accommodate a large cooler plus a smaller one or bait bucket, and still have room to spare for some chairs and an umbrella on your offshore adventure.
Not only is this cart tough enough for the corrosive conditions present on the coasts, but with its chunky wheels and excellent weight distribution, you won’t have much difficulty maneuvering across the dunes with it. One of its coolest features is the cutting table with a removable food bucket built-in, which is perfect for cutting bait or keeping supplies at an elevated position.
3. Fish-N-Mate Sr Fishing Cart
Load Capacity | 200 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 49 x 23 x 11 inches |
Weight | 35.8 pounds |
The Fish-N-Mate is a great all-around cart for hulling fishing gear. It is built with a durable and corrosion-resistant aluminum frame. There are a total of 7-rod holders and a removable bait station for an optional 8th rod holder. There are no front wheels but there is a front and rear post to keep the cart level and help reduce the likelihood hood of the cart flipping over.
This is a great cart as it is not too large for transport but still big enough to bring lots of fishing gear and a cooler. The wheels are big enough to use in the sand as long as it is not overloaded with really heavy gear. It is a great cart to use for pier, bridge, and shore fishing. It does have a removable front handle for easier transport. The wheels are about 6 inches wide and 15.5 inches in diameter so a bit larger than they look in the picture. It is pretty heavy duty but not indestructible so be reasonable with loads and where you take it and the cart should last.
4. Fish-N-Mate Junior Fishing Cart
Load Capacity | 150 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 39.4 x 20.7 x 10.4 inches |
Weight | 25.5 pounds |
The Fish-N-Mate Jr is a smaller and lighter version of the popular Fish-N-Mate Cart. It can still hold most 48-quart coolers. There are also 5 rod holders permanently attached to the outside of the cart. Rods can be placed in these while traveling and while waiting for a fish to bite. The wheels are only 4-inches wide which is good for docks and pavement but not good for soft sand with a heavy load.
There is a blue vinyl liner made for this cart but it is not included. The bait station and cutting board are included. Fishing with fresh bait is often the most productive way to catch fish. Having an actual platform is way better than trying to cut the bait on a cooler or bucket. Some versions have a front wheel and some do not. As long as the cart is not loaded front heavy it is easy to pull around even without the front wheel. The cart can be partially disassembled without tools to make transporting the cart easier. If you do not need a huge cooler this cart is a great option.
5. Big Kahuna Beach Wagon
Load Capacity | 350 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 43.25 x 25.25 inches |
Weight | 75 pounds |
The Big Kahuna Beach Wagon is made by Alumacart in the USA. This heavy-duty cart is solid welded aluminum that is 15.5 inches off the ground, weighs 75 pounds, and can carry a load up to 350 pounds across the sand with no problems. Four balloon-style tires carry your gear effortlessly. There are four rod holders permanently attached to the back of the cart. This is actually a nice place for the rod to be carried and since they are positioned vertically they can be used to hold rods while actually fishing.
The walls surrounding the deck offer extra support and security for whatever you are transporting, but are individually removable if need be. Aluminum is among the best materials for resisting corrosion while being also strong and light, but the nuts and bolts in the Big Kahuna are also rust-resistant stainless steel, so you can count on the entire unit holding up. The handle has ergonomic grips for comfort, but the design also allows for easy maneuvering if you find yourself in a tight corner.
This wagon is among the best when it comes to being durable and able to easily move your gear from the car to your favorite spot on the beach. Large coolers, bait buckets, chairs, umbrellas, and fishing tackle all can get there in one trip. The price is pretty steep, but it is American-made quality that you know you will be able to count on.
6. Alumacart Sidekick Beach Wagon
Load Capacity | 350 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 36 x 20 inches |
Weight | 45 pounds |
The first thing I notice when looking at the SideKick Beach cart is all the rod holders. There are ten rod holders placed all around the outside of the cart. The next thing I notice are the large beach tires that are 7-inches wide and 11.8 inches tall. This makes the cart perfect for transporting gear in sand or soft wet ground.
The main deck can hold coolers, tackle boxes, and 5-gallon buckets. The only downside to this cart is the large size for transport. However aluminum is lightweight and this cart easily fits in the bed of a truck. The aluminum is corrosion resistant and holds up well in a saltwater environment. It is still a good idea to rinse the wheels with fresh water after each use. This cart is smaller than the Big Kahuna but can still hold a large cooler and ten fishing rods. Some 100-quart coolers will fit and some will not. Most 100-quart coolers are around 36 inches long.
7. Alumacart Bimini Beach Wagon
Load Capacity | 240 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 15.25 x 31.5 inches |
Weight | 39 pounds |
The Bimini Beach Wagon by Alumacart is finely crafted, aluminum welded with stainless steel hardware that resists rust and corrosion. It is wide and deep enough to carry an extra-large cooler with the rest of your gear inside, while the firmly attached rod holders will safely transport up to four of your favorite poles.
The tires are chunky polyurethane balloon style, which is perfect for trekking across those sandy beaches, and sit on axles made of aluminum for the same durability from corrosion as the rest of the unit. One of the best parts of this wagon is the receiver that allows you to attach to your vehicle’s towing unit, so you don’t have to sacrifice any space on your fishing trip. The Bimini Cart is made in the USA, so you know it will last for years to come.
8. Juggernaut Blue Fish and Marine Cart
Load Capacity | 220 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 40 x 30 x 27 inches |
Weight | 27.6 pounds |
The Juggernaut Blue Fish and Marine Cart is an excellent wagon designed to help you lug all of your gear around the beach. It is very saltwater ready with its strong aluminum frame, stainless steel hardware, and vinyl cargo basket that will resist corrosion and rust. It has enough rod holders to carry eight fishing poles, and a comfortable, soft-grip handle to make it easier to carry up to 220 pounds of tackle and accessories.
The tires are balloon style polyurethane that only requires a very low psi pressure, making them easy to maintain yet extremely capable on the soft sand. With a crazily low product weight of only 27.6 pounds, the Juggernaut is very stress-free when it comes to storing, and the vinyl cover can be removed and washed as needed. This cart has a lot of capacity and durability and is worth a look at by any surf fisherman hunting for real value.
9. Sea Striker BRSC Fishing and Beach Trolley
Load Capacity | Around 150 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 34 x 14.5 x 7 inches |
Weight | 23 pounds |
The BRSC Fishing and Beach Trolley by Sea Striker is an economically-friendly model that has some decent components and cargo capacity. Seven rod holders are more than what is common on most models and are made out of PVC piping, which isn’t the strongest material but helps to keep the weight of the cart down. The steel frame has a powder coating to help fight off corrosion and rust.
You have to do your own assembly with this trolley, but it isn’t anything labor-intensive and that means it can be disassembled for long-term storage and transport. The wheels are big and wide for good traction and easier pulling. They are made out of plastic, but are thick and sturdy to enhance their longevity, and can be replaced by your wheel material of choice, should you be so inclined. At a lower cost than a lot of other carts, this one might be a better value if you are trying to spend money.
10. Berkley Fishing Cart
Load Capacity | 200 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 44 x 25.5 x 13 inches |
Weight | 19.84 pounds |
If you are looking for a cart easier to transport and stow, the Berkley Fishing Cart is made in a collapsible design. It has an aluminum frame sitting on two inflatable wheels, and the cargo container is a durable fabric that can fold down, with an adjustable handle to convert the cart into a dolly-like shape to fit easily into your car or garage.
There is ample room for your large cooler and other gear in this cart, as well as a fold-away cutting board and fillet knife storage area. The six rod holders are removable for transport convenience. The air-filled tires will work well on soft sand or hard ground around the lake or pond but will require the extra work of maintaining valves and keeping them inflated. Their plastic rims are lightweight and corrosion-resistant.
11. Berkley Sportsman’s Pro Fishing Cart
Load Capacity | 200 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 45 x 29. x 19 inches |
Weight | 20.79 pounds |
The Berkley Sportsman’s Pro Cart is a good option for the anglers doing more fishing than lounging under an umbrella. However, the design of this dolly-like cart does incorporate an integrated seat, if you want a break or while changing out your tackle.
The frame is a great aluminum material finished with an electrostatic coating, so you can bring it to the beach or the lake without worrying about rust. It is capable of supporting up to 300 pounds and the telescopic handles and tough wheels allow you to maneuver decently along most terrain, including sand. The four-rod holders are removable, so if you like to have multiple baits dangling in the water at a time it is a great integrated set-up. The built-in seat also doubles as a cutting board, making this a very low-profile value buy with a lot of useful features.
12. Bass Pro Shops Eclipse Multi-Function Cart
Load Capacity | 180 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 35 x 18.5 x 22 inches |
Weight | 18.7 pounds |
With the Bass Pro Shops Eclipse Multi-function Cart, you get the benefit of a great, low price paired with a rather impressive towing capacity of 180 pounds. This is accomplished by putting a water-resistant polyester fabric over a sturdy and collapsible steel frame.
Its quad-fold collapsing design is easy to break down or open up and makes transporting or storage as convenient as a folding chair. The rubber grip handle makes pulling this cart around lakes and ponds easy on the hands, and all of the materials used will last just as long as more expensive aluminum models with the right maintenance and care. It’s lacking big tires, rod holders, and other features of high-end models but is still practical out in the field with an attractive price.
13. MacSports Collapsible Fishing Cart with Table
Load Capacity | 150 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 37 x 21 x 25 inches |
Weight | 24.5 pounds |
This MacSports cart is collapsible and has a side table to place drinks, bait, and fishing pliers. The frame is made out of tough steel, which will require more cleaning after your trips to the beach to ward off corrosion, but has the ability to last a long time and carry heavy loads. The 600-denier cargo fabric won’t mildew and is easy to wash.
With a foldable tray and adjustable handles, plus some heavy-duty wheels, it navigates easily through the soft sand so that you can set up and be comfortable in your favorite fishing spot in no time. The cargo bed dimensions are very spacious, but the most efficient thing about this MacSports cart is that the entire wagon folds down to a tiny 9 inches thick, and comes with a vinyl carrying case to keep it protected. This is a basic wagon that is capable of getting your gear out onto the surf or pier. It does not have any fancy features specifically designed for fishermen, like cutting boards, rod holders, or an aluminum frame, but its cost-effectiveness might make it a practical option.
14. Dolly Style Folding Beach Cart
Load Capacity | 165 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 14 x 14.5 inches. |
Weight | 18 pounds |
Get around the beach easily and durably with this portable folding beach cart. This model is more of a dolly-like rolling cart, but the balloon-style wheels are more than capable to navigate across the soft sand. The steel frame is coated with heavy-duty epoxy, too, which gives it a lot of strength and corrosion resistance in any condition. This is a great dolly for carrying large fishing coolers.
Sometimes a big wagon-style cart can be too awkward for transport by car, and the rolling dolly-like models are often not capable of towing a lot of gear. This one, however, carries up to 165 pounds and folds down enough to fit into a small trunk, all while only weighing 17 pounds. The handle is also telescopic and can accommodate your comfort preference at 29 or 49-inch extended lengths. The low-pressure balloon tires are what make this a fishing cart. They always float on top of the sand, and never dig into it. As a bonus, they throw in a free air pump, too.
15. Seamule Floating Wade Cart
Load Capacity | 100 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 47 x 28 x 7.5 inches |
Weight | 30.5 pounds |
Wading fishermen don’t necessarily need to worry about wheels with the Seamule Floating Wade Cart. This clever piece of equipment is an island populated with your cooler and fishing gear that floats with you on top of the water. Along with the polypropylene floating deck comes an aluminum handle, two rod holders, and a couple of live bait nets. Some other cool accessories are sold separately but worth picking up, like an attachable prepping station and a wheel kit to drag it from your car to the water.
Any and all hardware will also resist water damage, as they’re all made from high-grade stainless steel or brass. It doesn’t take much to convince anyone how cool this cart would be to have. Not only is it durable enough to last a long time Seamule also offers you a two-year limited warranty upon purchase.
16. Taylor Made Dock Cart
Load Capacity | 300 pounds |
Cargo Dimensions | 47 x 23 x 13 inches |
Weight | 15 pounds |
Another common fish cart is actually a dock cart. I use this cart to haul ice and fishing gear to the boat. It can also be used to haul coolers and rods when fishing on a pier, dock, or shoreline. The wheels are too narrow to use on soft sand. It does not have rod holders but does have a large area where fishing rods can be laid down. This cart can be transported in a vehicle but is often left at the dock to allow anyone who needs it to haul their fishing and boating gear.
We use this cart at our house to hall our fishing gear and ice to the boat. In Alaska, I used this cart daily to haul ice to the fishing boat. The huge tides in Alaska make it so you have to go up and down a huge ramp and this cart made the work easy. It is similar to a wheel barrel but in this case, you pull it rather than push and it is more stable. It would not work as well for dumping though. For this reason, we put the ice in bags or 5-gallon buckets and then transport the ice with the cart.
17. Wheelees Beach Cart
Load Capacity | 220 pounds |
Cargo Bottom Dim |
25 x 14.5 inches |
Weight | 29 pounds |
Most dock carts are very useful but the wheels are to narrow to use on sand and soft ground. The Wheelees beach cart solves this problem. It has low-pressure balloon tires. The cart is actually pretty easy to transport in a vehicle. This is because the pull handle and bottom kickstand fold onto the cart. It is made for the beach but it will also work on a dock or pier.
The cart will work for fishing or recreational beach activities. It can hold coolers, blankets, luggage, or ice. One negative about the cart is there are no built-in rod holders. It can transport fishing rods they would just be hanging out the back of the cart. There are handles built into it to make it easier to pick up. One nice thing about the plastic fishing carts is fish can be placed directly into the bucket. This makes transporting them to the fillet table much easier because you do not need to lift a heavy cooler.
Information on Fishing Carts
Difference Between a Pier Cart and a Beach Cart
The main difference between a Pier Cart and a Beach Cart is the wheels. The size of the cart can be taken into account, as well, as carts that are specifically called “pier carts” will generally be smaller than those with the beach in the name. However, you can practically roll any type of wheel down a smooth-surfaced pier while the same can’t be said for the sand.
A good beach cart should be efficient for traveling across the sand. The best kind will usually have pneumatic wheels or balloon wheels for this. They should also have a wide diameter to keep them from digging into the sand, instead of rolling over it. The pier is usually a flat, smooth surface so a pier cart does not necessarily need any kind of wheel except the cheapest plastic to give you good freedom of movement. The pier is often dense and crowded, so these carts will often be a smaller size which is also easier for vehicle transportation.
Most popular styles of tires on a fishing cart
Most people come to agree that the wheels are the most important part of a fishing cart. Sure, its cargo size, number of rod holders, corrosion resistance, and all the other features are important, but you will hate it all if you cannot pull it relatively easily through your terrain. There are three main differences in tire styles available which are foam-filled, pneumatic, and balloon. While you might be able to get away with any type, depending on where you will be fishing you might absolutely require a particular one.
Foam-filled Wheels
These are also pneumatic-style wheels, but the rubber tire is filled with polyurethane foam instead of air. The benefit of that is that they don’t leak or go flat. They have rubber treading, so they will work pretty well on pavement and off-road, bumpy terrain. The drawback is that they are 2 to 3 times heavier and require greater force to push or pull. They also do not have the cushioning of air-filled pneumatic tires, so you will feel every pebble beneath them.
Pneumatic Wheels
This is a rubber tire filled with air placed around a solid hub, which on a fishing cart will usually be plastic or aluminum. The tire itself will require a low psi to keep inflated. These wheels provide great shock absorption which is good for your delicate graphite rods and works best on pavement or bumpy, off-road terrain. They are also quiet, which might be a factor for you. The drawback is that they have to stay inflated, and if you are out without a pump, you risk being stuck with a couple of hundred pounds of gear if they go flat.
Balloon Wheels
These wheels are a polyurethane material around the hub that inflates like a balloon. They are much softer and lighter than rubber and rollover soft ground like sand much better. Balloon wheels also do not dig into the sand as much, so are less likely to make trenches or get stuck. You can find them often on more high-end fishing cart models, or buy them separately and swap them out on your own cart. Designed specifically for sand, they have a higher risk of popping or damaging on rough, hard ground, and the low psi must be maintained to keep them functioning properly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much weight can a fishing cart carry?
How much weight you can carry in a fishing cart depends mostly on the materials used in its construction. This might seem like only the cargo bed and frame are meant, but the wheels are a big factor in this, too. If you plan to take your fishing cart around soft terrains, like beach sand or wet and muddy flood plains at the river or lake, your tires might not be able to move through it, if too much gear is piled on above.
Along with the wheels taken into account, the cargo bed of most carts is going to be made from either aluminum, steel, or some kind of heavy-duty fabric. Aluminum and steel are obviously going to be able to support a lot more weight than fabrics, although many fabrics used will carry well over 100 pounds.
Aluminum carts are often specified as being able to carry from 250 to 350 pounds, and the weight of the cart will be in the 20 to 30-pound range. Steel carts, on the other hand, tend to get very heavy as their towing capacity gets above the 200-pound mark, so you will generally find them built around the 150 to 250-pound specification.
What materials are the best for fishing cart frames?
The best material that fishing cart frames can be constructed out of is aluminum. Aluminum is light and stronger than steel, pound for pound, and also has the advantage of being highly corrosion resistant. A lot of great fishing gear uses aluminum for these reasons.
This does not mean, however, that different materials might not be best for you. Some stainless steel can resist rusting to some degree, and their lifespan will be increased with good maintenance and washing after taking to the beach. Steel carts are also cheaper, sometimes by two hundred dollars. There are also good fabrics that can be utilized on a fishing wagon both tough and durable, be washable, and enable the cart to be foldable for easier transport and storage.
There are also hard plastics that have very good rigidity for carrying heavy loads, as well as being lightweight for mobility. The nuts and bolts or any other hardware holding a cart together should also be looked at. Most good carts use high-grade stainless steel and brass for their durability and resistance to corrosion.
Which company makes the best fishing carts?
The companies Wheeleez and Alumacart are two of the most popular and respected makers of beach carts today. Fish-N-Mate is another great company that makes carts popular with pier fishermen. All of them make very stylish looking and well-functioning carts. They use the best of construction components, like aluminum frames and pneumatic rubber or balloon-style wheels.
There are other companies who have taken a niche approach to carts, to appeal to fishermen who don’t only surf or pier fish. Berkely has some products on wheels for freshwater bank fishermen, and there is another company on this list that makes a cart that can be pulled by hand, a bicycle, and attached to your vehicle’s towing package. Fishing carts are a small but growing industry.
Can I build my own fishing cart?
There are videos on YouTube and articles online on how to make a fishing cart and there are actual fishing cart models available from companies that mass-produce them. If you know how to weld and drill you could easily make your own fishing cart, and many people do. Most consist of PVC pipe rod holders screwed onto the sides of children’s wagons, however, and obviously for most of us attaining the quality found on the carts listed in this list is easier by just buying from a trusted manufacturer.
Can fishing carts be modified?
Welding and drilling onto a fishing cart from a manufacturer is definitely possible, but some companies offer a warranty that will likely be voided if such modifications are performed. There are, however, companies that will custom build, and many separately sold attachments or replacements available for some carts.
The wheels of a fishing cart are the part most often modified. If you buy a cart that has good cargo capacity and a strong frame, but the wheels do not work well enough for your environment, it is usually easy to disassemble and swap out for a pair that is more efficient. There are lots of ways to acquire balloon, air or foam filled, rubber or plastic tires that will fit your cart’s wheel assembly, so you do not have to ever feel stuck with what you’ve got in that regard.
The same goes for the handle and anything on the cart connected by nuts and screws. Trays for cutting baits with cup and bucket holders are a common add-on purchase if not included. Adding a hitch to attach another smaller wagon for carrying even more gear is something you might see, as well.
What are some things to avoid when picking a fishing cart?
While there are certain heavy-duty beach and garden wagons not specifically designed for fishermen but utilized by them that can fulfill much of your needs. Appropriating that kind of product has its pitfalls, that is, namely, the wheels. Wheels that will not navigate the terrain where you fish most often are the biggest thing to watch out for when picking a good cart.
The wheels, besides the material of the frame and cargo bed, are generally what drives the price of a fishing cart. If you find an aluminum cart with all kinds of sweet features, like six rod holders and a bait cutting station, but it is fifty to one hundred dollars cheaper than a similar cart, look at the wheels and you will probably find out why. There will be nothing more frustrating for you than to get to the beach with your new cart, with two hundred pounds of coolers and tackle, and the wheels sink into the sand so that you have to drag the cart along like a snow sled.
First, do some research into which kind of wheels are best on your terrain, and then go up from there. After that, make sure the cargo bed dimensions are suitable for you. A Big Kahuna Cart looks awesome, but it is going to be a lot harder to maneuver around a crowded pier than the Fish-N-Mate Jr., and especially annoying to you if you don’t even have enough gear to fill it up. Also, larger carts are more difficult for vehicle transport.

Captain Cody has worked on charter fishing boats in the Florida Keys, Virgin Islands, and Alaska. Growing up in Pennsylvania Cody has also done extensive freshwater fishing including bass fishing tournaments. Cody strives to provide detailed information about the best fishing gear and tactics to help both novice and experienced anglers have a more productive and enjoyable time on the water. Cody also has a background in aerospace engineering and neuroscience but really only takes pride in being good at one thing and that is fishing!